Since the beginning of the pandemic, most of us have experienced trying to order items that seem to never be in stock, or if we are lucky enough to successfully place an order, it is met with shipping estimates sometimes months out.
Michelle Jones
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Why Conformal Coat?
The function of circuit assemblies can deteriorate due to external factors such as moisture, salt spray, chemicals, and temperature extremes. Conformal coatings can be used in a wide range of environments to protect against damaging effects like corrosion, mold growth, and electrical failures caused by outside agents. This...
One of the most common questions manufacturing partners will hear is "where should I make my product?" While it seems like a simple question, the answer is just a bit more multi-layered. Every product has such unique requirements and each company has its special challenges and priorities, making it nearly impossible to generalize a solution....
Sure, it's only the middle of September and you're probably more thinking more about your fantasy football team than a Chinese holiday that doesn't even take place until February 12th of NEXT year, but put down your Yahoo Sports app for just a minute and do your company a favor by downloading our Chinese New Year Guide: 2021.
You don't need to be part of the manufacturing industry long to learn it has it's own native language with no shortage of acronyms. BOM, CBOM, EBOM, MBOM -- it can get confusing very quickly, but we've got you covered with this dictionary of the most commonly heard terms to help you navigate your way through the product development process.
So, we're currently wandering around in the middle of the U.S.-China trade negotiations (or lack thereof). However, even before these products were subjected to new regulations, many companies were beginning to diversify their supply chain by transferring production to other Asian countries such as Vietnam. The Eastern Hemisphere has most recently...
It probably won’t come as a surprise that engineers love their acronyms. If you’re not fully immersed in this world, it can become increasingly difficult to decode what may sound like a foreign language, and while we can’t explain every abbreviation you may come across in one blog post, we’re going to start by discussing the differences between...